Monday, October 3, 2022

The Benefits of Listening to Music

The Benefits of Listening to Music                                                                                  By: Robert Tu

You might not consider yourself a music listener, and for the people who do, you could still learn something from reading this blog. People who do not listen to rhythmic sounds are missing out. Music is the easiest hack to trick your brain into what you want. The human brain contains patterns and memories. Music is a natural stimulant for the brain. There are 51 genres in total, and each one branches out into 1,200 subcategories which are overwhelming but think of it as food. Once you find what you like, you will come back for more.

Mental health is a rising issue as we transition out of the pandemic. According to, "A 2017 research review concluded that listening to music, particularly classical combined with jazz, had a positive effect on depression symptoms, especially when there were several listening sessions conducted by board-certified music therapists,". This quote emphasizes the impact music has on mental health in depression. Although music can not fully cure depression, it can help people cope with the illness. Music releases dopamine, cortisol (stress hormone), and serotonin. People can also associate positive emotions with songs or genres of music. Music is commonly used in hospitals for recovering patients because it is a powerful tool. Every advantage is crucial when fighting mental health, and music is one to keep in mind.

Looking for music to use while learning; classical music is for you. A study from explained, "Researchers gave people tasks that required them to read and then recall short lists of words. Those who were listening to classical music outperformed those who worked in silence or with white noise." This quote shows how classical music can help with memory. If you struggle to remember what you learn, try listening to classical music the next time you study. The quote mentions white noise, a static sound frequency that dulls other noises. People think this type of sound can help while learning but gets outclassed by music. Be careful with songs with lyrics because they can distract and you might end up singing along!

Listening to music while you work out can boost your performance physically. The Brunel University of London states, "Music distracts people from pain and fatigue, elevates mood, increases endurance, reduces perceived effort, and may even promote metabolic efficiency. When listening to music, people run farther, bike longer, and swim faster than usual—often without realizing it," This quote shows how music can push you to go beyond your limits while exercising. Listening to fast-paced, high-intensity music can make you feel more motivated to exercise. The quote also mentions exercise can distract you from awareness of your exertion, which leads to longer workouts, more gains, and more benefits. Be sure you are not pushing yourself to the point where physical activity is no longer healthy. 

In conclusion, music has a place in everyone's lives in health, learning, exercise, and more. Music is everywhere in the world. Technically national anthems are considered music too. Your ears are your 2nd most powerful sense behind your eyes, and using them smartly can affect your grades, mood, and life. So why wait? 

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  1. Why did you put black text on a gray background? Also are you saying that there is 61,200 sub-genres of music or 1,200 subgenres. I don't think white noise is music.

  2. I think that this blog is well written and I also contains a lot of interesting information. The one part I have a problem with is the part where you state that there are 51 genres of music. I don't think that you can definitively say that true, because music is constantly changing, new forms of music are being developed, and it is also hard to define different styles of art. Either way, I had fun reading this and also learned a few new things from it.

  3. I liked the format of your blog, and how you mentioned the affect music has on so many things such as mental health, studying, and exercise. Something that I did not know was that classical music was researched to be the most helpful for memory. Good research and writing!

  4. Leo
    There was some very well-done and in-depth research for this blog. The topic of this was also pretty interesting to me, and I think that this is a pretty good blog overall. I do have some questions about the 51 genres, because I like to think of music as formless, but nonetheless, this is a job well done.

  5. I've always been a person who liked listening to music during whatever I would be doing, including studying, reading and exercising. I never really thought about the effects of music on me, but rather I just enjoyed the music. Reading this blog gave me a lot more knowledge about how music can affect me, even depending on what I listen to. Great blog post, I thought it was very informative!

  6. This is a very interesting topic. I did not know that listening to music could help with a person's mental health. I think it's interesting that classical music was found to be more effective with memorization than white noise, since I have heard from many others that white noise is more helpful than music. This was very informative to read!

  7. As someone who listens to music a lot (including right now), I find this very interesting to learn about the exact effects music has. It was explained very well.

  8. This is a very interesting and well presented blog. I also enjoy listening to music while I work. I thought it was very interesting how different genres and types of music are better for different things.

  9. I didn't know music benefited us so much! I really liked your blog its really cool how music can even influence health. The flow of your blog is really well thought out!


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